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Whoa! Sounds like two fabulous but different shows... airing at the same time!! Decisions, decisions!

Cyn Cooper

To join Rick with such a notable and solid Listening arena is certainly the best After-Holiday present one could imagine! Followed by the Brazilian stylings which Scott has packed up for delivery to us ~ this Winter just warmed up and started its Spring melt !!

Peter J

Greetings from SW florida. I'll try and give it a listen next Sunday. Stay warm

Super Dave

Show is a winner! Kind of a cross between "Dinner Party" & "Legends of Jazz" w/Ramsey Lewis. SJ has come a LOOONNNGG way since April of 2012.


Due to security reasons, many features on my work computer have been disabled...one of them being having sound! Unfortunately that means no more listening to the Sunday Brunch online (or SJC at all)! I am very pleased that I am now able to flip on the car radio while driving between the facilities I work at on Sundays and hear Rick and all the great music!

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