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Super Dave

Interesting piece, Rick. Is it possible YOUR design for SJC is being monitored by the industry & the light bulb went on? If so, it's good to know SOMEONE is paying attention. Kudos to you, & "Go Hawks".

Art B.

Rick, Dave is right, it is an interesting article and you said a mouthful " the human touch is as vital as ever to the listening experience ", that is one attribute that will always hold true !!!

Abouting Your Passions

Thank you. I guess this is turning into a "me too", but when I've listened to Internet Radio, I have often noticed the lack of a human feel to the broadcasting. Piece goes into piece, at times with no break between the two. Understandable when the station is one guy on a shoestring budget having music play automatically 24 hours per day - the guy has to eat and sleep - but something is missing.

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